NP News aama love kuvika mamataki are mining,

6:51 AM

April 21, 2073- The main opposition Congress on Tuesday at the convention will be the Parliament 'No matter what the situation could come to saying his signature collection has started the legislature. The opposition Congress, dissatisfied with the government kamakarabahiprati vikalpasameta government started gathering signatures to request the voice brouhaha is meaningful.

Although not for the no-confidence motion against the government leaders 'adjournment motion' can be said to bring empty paper said the legislature had started gathering signatures.

Parliamentary practice "adjournment motion" is blamed by the opposition in the parliament ignored the demands placed on curbing the proposal if pursued the agenda of swindling.

For this purpose, a written request can give MPs 25 percent. Opposition parliamentarians came to such a request if the opposition continues to speak or to postpone the agenda for the parliament regardless of the subject from time to provide. 

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