Footage: monks fight inside temple, draw condemnation online

1:11 AM

Three monks got involved in a fight at the Ningguo temple, in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, on April 24. According to, the monks are all mid-level managers at the temple. The video shows several monks and tourists trying to stop the fighters in front of the temple. The head monk of the Ningguo temple has dismissed all three monks, and said, “We insist on [following] the principal of quality over quantity,” over Wechat, a Chinese social media platform. The head monk added that they broke the principle of Buddhism and set a bad example for society.

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The video has gone viral and led to a heated discussion. @Adolph said, “Some of the monks in the temple nowadays are not sincerely Buddhism converts. Many normal people are more religious than monks.” Some monks have proven to be frauds, and cases have continually occurred in China, leaving an even worse impression of the monk to the wider public. 

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