Real Mermaid Found at Karachi Beach

8:09 PM

With nearly three-quarters of the Earth covered by water, it’s little wonder that, centuries ago, the oceans were believed to contain many mysterious creatures, including sea serpents and mermaids. Merfolk (mermaids and mermen) are, of course, only the marine version of half-human, half-animal legends that have captured human imagination for ages.

C.J.S. Thompson, a former curator at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, noted in his book “The Mystery and Lore of Monsters” (Kessinger, 2010), “Traditions concerning creatures half-human and half-fish in form have existed for thousands of years, and the Babylonian deity Era or Oannes, the Fish-god, is represented on seals and in sculpture, as being in this shape over 2,000 years B.C. He is usually depicted as having a bearded head with a crown and a body like a man, but from the waist downwards, he has the shape of a fish covered with scales and a tail.”


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